Monday, December 24, 2012

Throw your Hat in the Air...The Drinks are on Me..(er.. HatJoke)

A Very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to all those  of you who have enjoyed another year of bad punctuation, the Bizarre Over-Use Of Capital Letters, the twisted logic, the ridiculously contorted and overlong sentences, the terrifying trips down Memory Lane, the ludicrously opinionated observations on weird stuff that might be important, or on the other hand might not be of the slightest interest and the general quite crackers stuff that - oh so occasionally - slips past the non existent Editor......and if you didn't enjoy it, well, then may be you are confusing me with someone who worries about such things....

Must go now and Bedeck my Hall, give Cozy some nuts and a Mandarin Orange and listen to Bing Crosby, Pat Boone and Roger Whittaker.....(It's the Way He Tells 'Em............!)

Pip Pip my friends!
The Man in The Hat